Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I haven't updated my blog in awhile (if you were expecting a Wednesday post for awhile and haven't had one for the last few weeks, I'm sorry!), mostly because I've been busy with a few things; attending to various chores, getting things budgeted and sorted out for a trip at the end of the month, and-- most of all-- work. Since after Labor Day, the hotel has been buzzing and filled to capacity with retirees and various tourists from everywhere on the map, so by the end of the day my drive to sit at a keyboard and to use my brain for creative means comes to a screeching halt. Mornings I spend attending to chores, evenings I'm rushing around at work, and I relent to vegging out when it's all said and done.

Although, with autumn in full swing and the big town-wide film festival over, I've started to change my tune a little. I was standing outside Saturday night, sipping a beer and staring at the sky. From my patio I could see the moon rising over the Inyo Mountains, illuminating the inky night sky and drowning out the smattering of stars with its gray light. The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees and the ones already shed, sending fluttering shadows to the ground. A slight chill hung in the air. The crunch of yellow leaves underfoot crinkled out as a nearby tree released them onto my little space. The sound of music echoed through town from the festival, but I didn't want to celebrate with anyone; all I wanted was a quiet moment to stare at the moon, and I got that.

I woke up before the sunrise the next morning. I groggily made coffee, grabbed my old Columbia fleece, and sat out on the patio again to greet the chilly morning. The sun drowned the eastern mountains in gold light. The yellowing leaves still hanging on to any semblance or delusion of summer hung on for dear life in the wind. The day grew warm and the wind died down, but all around were hints of the season; the leaves collecting along the fence line by my apartment, the sunset coming sooner, the nights getting colder, and the nights a little quieter. After the deluge of traffic and the heat of another dry summer, the clues that the colder season is actually making an appearance made me feel a little warmer inside.

It's not the notion that work is about to slow down that has me a little more inspired... well, not entirely, anyway. Seeing the shift in the season has me more excited than workplace hibernation. Crossing things off my to-do list is satisfying, sure, but sometimes I miss out on quiet mornings and evenings staring at the horizon by being caught up in the proverbial rat-race. Taking a quick breather to stare at the sky really helps me appreciate being alive, and I guess in turn helps me gain a little more focus in hammering in a quick entry into this blog every so often.

Long story short: life can get really busy sometimes, and sometimes you feel like you might be falling behind-- and you might be-- but taking a minute to collect your thoughts and orient yourself can do a world of good for the things you have to do and the things you want to do.

Also, autumn is rad.

I really like autumn.

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